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Thursday, March 06, 2008

Publishing and Minimum Required Version Settings

Wow, more fun with publishing. I grabbed a new source copy of one of our projects to enable click-once query string parameters and tried to build it but got the following error:
Specified minimum required version is greater than the current publish
version. Please specify a version less than or equal to the current publish
Huh? What was that supposed to mean. I immediately suspected that it was something to do with the publish properties configured in the project properties since I had already been mucking around in there earlier in the day on a different project. I checked out the publish "Updates..." section of the properties which set the minimum required version to be Logically I changed the publish version to and tried to build the project again. No dice; Same error.

As it turns out, it is a bit convoluted, but simple to resolve this. There doesn't seem to be a lot via Google search on it, but I did eventually find it on a Microsoft news group archive. Credit for this goes to David B with
  1. Go to the project's properties and click on the Publish tab.
  2. Click on Updates; note the version numbers listed here
  3. Turn off "Specify a minimum required version for this application" and
    click OK
  4. Update the Publish Version to match or exceed the Update version numbers.
  5. Save the new properties and Build the project
  6. Go back and turn on "Specify a minimum required version for this
    application" and click OK.
Thanks Mr. B.

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