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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

WebEx Alternative: Microsoft SharedView

I just ran across a little advertised free Microsoft application called SharedView. I suspect that this might be Microsoft's attempt at a WebEx killer.

SharedView is a desktop sharing application that allows you to share specific applications or your entire desktop with other SharedView users. It uses Microsoft Passport or Microsoft Live accounts. One party shares and the others can view. However, my favorite feature of Shared View is that viewing parties actually get their own mouse pointer and are able to highlight on the shared application or desk top. No more trying in vain to explain what area you are talking about when you can just point and highlight. Additionally control of the shared application or desktop can be requested participants and delegated by the sharer.

From my brief test drive with it, my only complaint is that it doesn't do voice over IP. A colleague of mine pointed out that it can be advantageous to do audio over the phone any way to avoid network latency. Good point.

You can download it for free from

Did I mention that it was free? Check it out for your next online collaboration or product demo.


Unknown said...

If you are looking for a alternative to WebEx for desktop sharing that includes VoIP take a look at Yakkle ( We often use it instead of WebEx when working tech support issues with our customers.

Motionless Mario said...

Yakkle looks interesting too. I just noticed that WebEx also uses POTS for audio teleconferencing. So if teleconferencing or long distance charges are an issue and bandwidth is plentiful, it looks like Yakkle is a great alternative.

Thanks Dave.