This web http://www.statusinspector.t tells you who blocked you in their MSN :)
Did someone delete you from their MSN? Check it's really good and it works!!
For the love of MSN don't go there and dont sign up!
The site asks for your msn login and password, then uses that to access your contacts and sends them the message as well. It is unclear whether this is just to collect email addresses or something more malicious
If you got snaked, make sure you change your MSN password as soon as possible. Oh, and do make sure you email your contact to let them know what the heck is going on.
Got your back.
1 comment:
More bad news for MSN is what this is. Lots of people have become victims of this block delete scam. For a while now is was using as his main phishing website but it's now under construction for a long time now. Lots of bloggers has been spreading the news of this scam and I beleive it forces him to go to further lengths.
Block delete is now using as it's main phishing domain name. He will continue to do this and redirect people to this scam. Just wanted to let more people know as it only takes one person to fall for this and he has a whole new list of people to message and it will keep going and going.
Great job and informing people on your blog. Knowlegde is the best form of defence against online scams.
Jamie Boyle
Fighting Online Scammers
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