We needed to check for dpi settings and initialize our custom window drawing routines accordingly. I was hoping to heaven that someone at the Microsoft .NET Framework development team had thought of something for that. My prayers were answered by the DpiX and DpiY properties of the System.Drawing.Graphics object. The following is a quick C# example for using these properties. What it does is check to see what resolution the desktop is set at and retrieves an image at that resolution with a method called GetImage. And in the special case that the desktop is running some really strange dip setting we do the else case which takes the 120 dpi image and scales it appropriately.
System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp;
System.Drawing.Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics();
if ((g.DpiX = 96) && (g.DpiY = 96)) // this is now the defacto resolution for most systems
bmp = (Bitmap)GetImage("banner(96dpi)");
if ((g.DpiX = 72) && (g.DpiY = 72))
bmp = (Bitmap)GetImage("banner(72dpi)");
else if ((g.DpiX = 120) && (g.DpiY = 120))
bmp = (Bitmap)GetImage("banner(72dpi)");
else // this is where we take care of the really strange stuff
System.Drawing.Image img = GetImage("banner(120dpi)");
Size sz = new Size((int)(img.Width * (g.DpiX / img.HorizontalResolution)),
(int)(img.Width * (g.Dpiy / img.VerticalResolution)));
bmp = new Bitmap(img, sz);
So ends another adventure... except we need to apply this to all our forms that have image banners. Yay.
I just ran into this on a WWII 'We can do it' image, and you've explained whats happening. Now I can fix it.
Thanks - you've saved me a bunch of time.
Glad to have been helpful! Just for curiosity's sake, what are you working on?
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