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Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Management Tools

In my crusade to only use remote desktop when I absolutely need to, I've downloaded and installed the Exchange Server 2007 Management Tools so that I don't have to use remote desktop to manage our Exchange Server. The download from microsoft is non trivial at 685 MB and 990 MB extracted (we got it in 38 minutes ^_^).

The Management tools require the following pre-requisites
After having installed the pre-requisites, we started up the installer from the Management tools download. It turns out that this download is actually the installer for Exchange Server 2007. Interesting. We only wanted to install the Management Tools so we picked "Custom Exchange Server Installation, clicked next, checked Management Tools and clicked next again. From there it double checked the pre-requisites and started the install.

So now no more having to log into the exchange server I can do it all from the newly installed Exchange Management Console on my workstation.

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