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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Visual Studio 2005 SP1 security update not recognized by windows update

Recently, a security update (kb937061) for VS2005 SP1 was released by Microsoft through Windows Update. I opted to apply the patch. However, not two minutes after applying the update, Windows Update popped up again with the same update. I figured that maybe a reboot was in order. So I applied the update and rebooted. Lo and behold! After the reboot Windows Update popped up the update request again!

KB937061 is an update for Crystal Reports for VS2005. If you don't have it installed, which I don't, the updater reports that it has updated properly, but Windows Update does not recognize the update. Currently, to get rid of the notifications, you can do one of two things:
  1. Mark the update to not notify. This causes Windows Update to say that you have hidden updates
  2. Install Crystal Reports for VS2005 from your VS2005 DVD.
I ended up just installing Crystal Reports because I have plenty of disk.

Supposedly Microsoft is working on a fix for the fix.

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